Saturday, May 16, 2009

I promised and I lied

to all of you!

I said I was going to keep my blog more up to date and post more. However, thru the week I rarely do anything other than work and come home to do absolutely nothing because I am stressing majorly over how much we have to do in a day. By the time I get home, I am mentally drained and I crash.

I do have a few updates to share with you though.

My Uncle
He is a lot better. He can feed himself, and he can talk. He wasn't much of a talker so at this point they are still unsure of brain damage. They are trying to regulate his blood gases, whatever that means. Once they are able to do that then they will go from there. He hasn't been up out of the bed in over a month so his muscles are very weak and he will have to have lots of therapy. Keep him in your prayers. Our God is amazing!

Work super crazy. We are busy from beginning to end and rarely get a moment to stop and relax. We only have 47 days left, and they intend to work us up until the end I think. My GM came to us on Thursday (just another co-worker and myself) and asked if we would be interested in staying on after July 2nd if they needed us. I think that depends on how it affects our unemployment. I can't just walk away from it not having another job or able to draw unemployment so I guess we will see how that all plays out.

I am still unsure about. I failed my math test so that means that I will have to take the lower classes before I can take the required classes. However, there is another school here, a tech school that offers pretty much the same study I am interested in. I don't know how the diploma's compare though with one being a tech school and one being a college. Any idea?

I had said before that The V's weren't vacationing this year, but we changed our mind. Hubby gets three bonuses a year and has decided he has earned a very well deserved vacation. We are taking a cruise with Carnival again. Just the two of us. This will be our very first vacation alone and we have been married almost 7 years!! We always travel with others. I am excited!!!

Home Buying
Hubby and I will be trying to purchase a home later this year. We will hopefully be at the point where we can get what we want... depending on our money situation when that time comes.


Emily said...

Shame on you! Better start doing better!

Uncle- Great! Glad things are looking up for him.

Work- I would wait and see too what they have to offer and how it effects your unemployment.

School- I would still go if you are unemployed.

Vacation- Sounds like a lot of fun. One day I am going on a cruise... one day!!

Home- Hope it works out.. I know better than most how you guys need your own space!

Magnolia Sun said...

I know the feeling about blogging, by the time I get home from work the last thing I want to do is get on the computer again.

Don't give up on school, you could start a tech then transfer to another school if that's what you want. If they have your program at the tech school go for it. I don't think anyone really cares where you graduate it's just that you graduated and have a diploma.

Heather said...

Yay for your uncle, the vacation, and the new house!! I hope you find an even better job immediately. God will take care of you. In fact, he already has your plan all written out! Just believe in that.

The Pifer's said...

Shame Shame....hee hee, I do the same all the time :)

Taryn said...

Yea for vacation! Sounds like you both earned one from the way work is sounding!