Wednesday, July 8, 2009

A new start

Today was my last day with current company. I have to admit it was sad to walk out the door, but I will still talk to the girls. Dana was on vacation this week and I have talked to her daily so its not like I am leaving anyone behind just leaving a job. A few of the people I am excited to NEVER see again. I wouldn't want to work with certain ones ever again.

The new job will start on Monday and I am super excited to have a new start. I want something to challenge and enjoy.

Tomorrow and Friday I am taking off because I needed a few me days. Tomorrow I am cleaning out closets and Friday I am going to get a haircut and visit Em and baby Lincoln.


He & Me + 3 said...

Good luck with your new job. I enjoy stating new things too. Have fun with Emily and Lincoln. They are so sweet.

Ink Obsession Designs said...

Happy last day and good luck! :)

Emily said...

Good luck!

Can't wait until you come over Friday!

Pam said...

I've been away from reading blogs and missed your new job update. congrats! I know you're probably ready to make a new start.