Friday, January 23, 2009

Friday's Fifteen Facts

I am going to start something new, and you can feel free to join in with me. I am going to use Friday as a day to name 15 things about random topics or things going on in my life. I sometimes find it hard to come up with things to blog about so this will help me.

This week, I am going to name 15 random facts/thoughts about things in my life or just about me.

1. I was married at 19. Hubby was 20. Its so hard to believe that we have been married for almost 7 years. Even though sometimes things are hard, I wouldn't change a thing.

2. Friends are really important to me. I have several great friends, but only one best friend(I Love you Em!). I think its hard to find people that you can truly be yourself with and be open and honest with. Sometimes you will find a friend in life that is just not good for you, sometimes no matter how much you want to be friends with that person its not best for you. Then sometimes you find the ones that are great friends for a while, and then you realize that they aren't at all who you thought they were.

3. I am a true southern country girl. I love wearing a t-shirt, jeans, and flip flops. I would much rather be running around barefoot than anything. Now, don't get me wrong, I love those dress up and go out days. Sometimes dressing up and going out makes you feel important.

4. I have been doing weight watchers now for two weeks and so far I have lost about 5 pounds. I am satisfied with that result, but I am finding it hard to find foods that will keep me full all day. Lunch is the hardest because we eat so early at work. By the time I get home, I could eat the entire kitchen.

5. I am a tv junkie. I have a list a mile long of shows that I love! What do you watch?
Gossip Girl, Grey's Anatomy, Private Practice, Desperate Housewives, 90210, Privileged, NCIS, The Mentalist, American Idol, The
Bachelor, Numbers, etc., I am sure I missed some....

6. Diet Coke is a must, and not just because it supports Hubby's job, but because I am addicted.

7. Country music is my favorite, although sometimes depressing. I would rather listen to it anyday.

8. I am a born traveler. I love to get in the car and go. I love the mountains and the beach.

9. List making is a must. If I don't have a list, I can't accomplish anything. I make lists for everything!

10. I love my name. In fact, its all over everything that at my desk at work and I will sit and write it when I am bored. Makes me sound kinda vain doesn't it?!?!

11. I am a Ford girl! Every vehicle, excluding my first has been a Ford. I am proud of my cars, and I will be very happy when they are paid for!

12. I have a horrible phobia of needles. I would rather be beaten than have to be stuck with a needle. I will do anything possible to keep from getting a shot or having blood drawn.

13. I don't think you can ever have enough purses or flip flops. I have flip flops in every color and add to my collection every summer. Purses are a must and several of them! I have boxes and boxes stored that I will never carry again. (They are the best sellers at a yard sale too!)

14. I am a perfectionist, and I have to have everything in order, straight, and perfect or I am not satisfied. I love to redecorate and move things around. Just ask the people I work with. I think at one time or another, I have sat everywhere in the office excluding very few places.

15. My favorite colors are pink and green. I like the girliness of pink, and green is just my favorite. White and Black are a close third and fourth. White is classy and black is sliming.


Emily said...

I love you to Brandy!

I think you need to be a home interior designer since you love to decorate and have things in order!

Misty said...

Lovely list... nice to know more about you! I agree wholeheartedly with what you said about friendship!

Taryn said...

I also love my name- it is unique. And I HATE needles. I actually fainted once getting blood drawn. (My husband has also fainted once getting blood drawn- so I think we will have pretty wimpy kiddos someday.)