Sunday, January 25, 2009

Job Security

On Friday, my boss called me and another co-worker into his office. He was letting us know that our warehouse had been nominated for and won Supplier of the Year for John Deere. This is major good news for us. Not only does that mean that we will get an award, that means that our warehouse is safe and secure for atleast another year. That is by far the greatest news that I could get considering we are trying to pay off our bills and get our own home this year.

Congrats to us! This is major because out of all the warehouses that John Deere uses, we won!


Pam said...

That's awesome news!

Somehow, I didn't realize your blog address changed. I was wondering what had happened to you. Glad to see you're okay.

Taryn said...

I am glad that you are ok. My husband just barely made it through some layoffs, so we are good for a few months. It would be nice to know that you are safe for a year. Congratulations!

(Btw- I am not named after anyone special, My mom just liked the name. You?)