Thursday, March 26, 2009

Great News...

... okay so not really. I don't have great news, or even remotely good news.

As of July 3rd, I am officially jobless, unemployed, and on my way to being broke. Well, that is a little extreme but I will really be without a job and joining the ranks of the other unemployed trying to find a job. Staying at home is just not for me, so I have to find something soon. At least they were kind enough to let us know in advance.



Emily said...

Draw your unemployment. Enjoy some time off. You will find that you like staying home more than you think... maybe not all the time, but the pleasure of sleeping in and staying in your pajamas all day has its perks!

Mrs.D said...

I'm so sorry. I know so many people who have lost jobs or they have had their income cut in half (or worse). That stinks!!!

Taryn said...

Oh no! I am so sorry! I hope that something even better comes your way.

Heather said...

Oh, that's a big stinky boo!! But, at least the few month notice will give you a head start on the new job hunt. Hope you find something that's even better!

mama's smitten said...

Cute blog! Wishing you luck on the job hunt.

Pam said...

Awe Brandy, I'm so sorry to hear this. I hope you find something else great soon!

Magnolia Sun said...

I'm so sorry but at least you did get advance notice.

Tanya said...

Welcome to the club, of jobless and broke, tht is :).
I'm sure you'll find something soon, but while you are looking try to enjoy the time off, really, think of it as a semi paid vacation.