Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Weekend Review

I had a pretty great weekend. We didn't do much, but it was still fun.

Friday night Hubby and I went to the town I am from and watched his friend drag race. Yes, I know Redneck..right? I enjoy it. I like the idea of going fast. We stayed out in the sun for a long long time and it wore us out.

Saturday I went shopping with my mom and her friend. I had to find something to wear to my interview on Monday. We found a few good deals, but didn't go spending crazy. I did buy me a pair of shoes that I will have to return. They are so comfy, but every time you take a step it sounds like air is being let out of them. I can't stand it and Hubby pointed out that its loud enough that people will look so...back to the store they go.

Later that night Hubby and I went to watch 'The Proposal', it was great. I am a huge Sandra Bullock fan and she did an amazing job. We went to the late late movie, but it was very very full. The only bad part was we had to sit beside young girls who commented on every.single.thing that happened. I could have done without their commentary. Grr!

Sunday we spent lunch with his stepdad and went to my parents for the evening. We had a great day.


Taryn said...

The Proposal was SO good. So good!

Queen of the Misfits said...

I love love love drag racing, but I like the dirt track better!! ;)

Magnolia Sun said...

I also love Sandra Bullock too, the movie looks really cute.